Green Fins
Brand IDENTITY, ART DIRECTION, illustration
Green Fins is an approach to sustainable marine tourism activities operating in South East Asia, Caribbean and the Indian Ocean that works with business operators, communities and governments. It helps to implement environmental standards for the diving and snorkelling industry through a code of conduct. They are headquartered in the Philippines, and in 2015, I had the privilege of working with them to do a complete visual overhaul of their brand.
When we started, they had no visual assets except for their logo, a few diving guidelines posters, and their website, which they had just gotten reworked a few months prior. Considering that the website was already completed, we decided to use some visual elements from it, for efficiency’s sake. The general direction we decided on is clean and minimal – white backgrounds and thin green lines, contrasted with bold typography and a friendly, modern illustration style for their posters.
This was a huge project that involved cleaning up the logo, establishing brand guidelines, creating internal brand collateral, creating guidelines and promotional posters and infographics for their network’s use, designing merchandise for fundraising, and designing assets for their social media profiles.
The Green Fins Brand Book – one of the very first things we finalized, to serve as a foundation and pave the way for the rest of the brand visual overhaul.
We also worked on several posters and infographics that partner establishments can display in their shops and resorts. These posters highlighted the importance of making use of environmentally-friendly practices in business operations, as well as in daily lives.
We also created merchandise that Green Fins partners can use to promote the network. These include flags, stickers, t-shirts, tote bags, desktop and mobile wallpapers, and a logo stencil.